等温位面上のポテンシャル渦度(Isentropic Potential Vorticity)の計算方法(NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis データの場合)
First the static stability N**2=g/T*(dT/dz+g/cp) is computed on model
levels. Then the winds, temperature and static stability are
interpolated to isentropic surfaces linearly in log(theta). (Outside
the model domain, the fields are held constant for now and will later
be compressed out of the final product.) Then the absolute vorticity
zeta is spectrally computed on the isentropic surfaces, where the
shortest wavelength in the spectral domain is about 4 gridlengths.
(The vorticity is computed in the T36 spectral domain for the 2.5x2.5
degree grid.) The density rho=(T/theta)**(cp/R)*p0/(R*T) is also
computed at this time directly on the isentropic surfaces. Finally,
the NCEP potential vorticity is computed as zeta*N**2/(g*rho). Thus
the units of NCEP PV are m**2/s/kg, which is different from the usual
units of K*m**2/s/kg; one must multiply the NCEP PV by theta to
compare them. The NCEP PV is still a form of the Ertel potential
vorticity, since log(theta) is as well conserved as theta. Packing
the PV in these units is simpler. The NCEP PV is currently rounded
to the nearest 1e-10 m**2/s/kg for packing. The physical constants
used are g=9.8, R=287.05, cp=1004.6 and omega=7.2921e-5.
(by Dr. Mark Iredell)