海面気圧の求め方(NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis データの場合)

                         Mean Sea-Level Pressure
                         ---- --------- --------

There are many ways to compute the sea-level pressure.  Some 
expressions only depend on the 1000 mb height.  GDAS and
Reanalysis, however, use the following Fortran code

c               *** gdas - in mb ***
c               slp(i)=1000.0*exp(z1000(i)/
c     2                 (1.5422885*(z500(i)-z1000(i))))
c               *** grib - in Pascals ***
     2                  (1.5422885*(z500(i)-z1000(i))))

The corresponding GrADS code is,


以上の情報は NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Annual CD-ROM の text/details/pres.msl より 全文掲載しました。