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個人設定 on MacOS (hysk)

MacOS 上での個人設定

MacOS の個人設定,ドットファイルの類い. 私的な記録目的.ある種のバックアップとも言える.


$HOME 以下の設定ファイル.

  • ~/.bash_profile の冒頭で ~/.bashrc を読みこむ
  • ソフトウェア・コマンド類の環境変数設定など, ほぼ全ての設定は ~/.bashrc に書き込んでおく.
  • ~/.bash_profile は,SSH トンネル関連の実行や,全体で共通する環境変数などのみを記述.
  • MacOS 特有のコマンドやオプションも,Linux 環境とできる限り共通した書式で実行可能にしておく. See also Mac Tips (hysk)
  • OSバージョンアップや PC環境の移設時 (See also MacOS データ移設 (hysk)), 設定ファイルの移動や修正を忘れるかもしれない. このページは,未来の自分への申し送りでもある(コピー忘れしても,ここを見れば復旧可能).


~/.bash_profile (2016-02-13版).

# Create manually (M. Hayasaki; 2013-06-04)
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
  . ~/.bashrc

# MacPorts Installer addition on 2015-01-20_at_15:59:14: adding an appropriate PATH variable for use with MacPorts.
export PATH="/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH"
# Finished adapting your PATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.

### SSH tunnel
ssh -q -fN con_serverA

### Set default blocksize as 1kiro byte for ls, df, du commands
export BLOCKSIZE=1k


~/.bashrc (2016-02-13版).

# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
  . /etc/bashrc

PS1="[\u@\h:\w]\n$ "

export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth

export PATH

## NetCDF (use v3 series as default; 2015-04-08)
export NETCDF=/usr/local/netcdf3

## GrADS
export GASCRP=$HOME/local/grads-2.0.1/gslib
export GADDIR=$HOME/local/grads-2.0.1/data2

## NCL
export NCARG_ROOT=/usr/local/NCL

## Fortran (use gfortran on MacOS X)
# (Use MacPorts, 2015-01-20)
export FC=/opt/local/bin/gfortran
export F77=$FC
export F90=$FC
export F9X=$FC

alias ls='ls -F'
alias la='ls -a'
alias ll='ls -l'

#   lr:  Full Recursive Directory Listing
#   ------------------------------------------
alias lr='\ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e '\''s/:$//'\'' -e '\''s/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g'\'' -e '\''s/^/   /'\'' -e '\''s/-/|/'\'' | less'
# Copied from https://gist.github.com/stephenll/8762279
### If you execute in command-line, use following command:
# ls -R|grep ":$"|sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g' -e 's/^/   /' -e 's/-/|/' |less

#### quick-view TeX Bibliography file
alias bibless='less ~/home/tex/BIB/biblio.bib'

#### Execute application(s) from command-line
## quick-view of images (qlmanage; subprogram for Finder (to view image thumbnail))
#alias ql='qlmanage -p "$@" >& /dev/null'
alias ql='qlmanage -p $@ >& /dev/null'

alias ppt='open   -a Microsoft\ PowerPoint'
alias word='open  -a Microsoft\ Word'
alias excel='open -a Microsoft\ Excel'

alias xpdf='open  -a Preview'
alias finder='open .'

##### Remote login settings

### SSH tunnel to server-A
alias scon_serverA='ssh -fN con_serverA'

### Remote login using SSH configuration (~/.ssh/config)
alias ssh_serverA='ssh -X -p 10022 localhost'

alias scp_serverA='scp -p -P 10022 '

### Direct SSH login using hostname (/etc/hosts)
# -> "$hostname" style
alias serverB="slogin -X serverB"


更新日 内容
2015-02-13 記述開始.~/.bashrc & ~/.bash_profile を記録.